SOLD THRU BUY NOW OPTION – Biebers French Maple aka Maple – 2016 Buckskin Paint Mare


Biebers French Maple aka Maple – 2016 Buckskin Paint Mare

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Maple is an excellent all-around horse. Fast, quick, cute, and a fantastic personality. She is a pleasure to be around. Friendly to all horses and humans. There is no change in riding or handling while she is in heat.

Fast, quick-footed, broke nice, and will go whatever speed asked.

  • 1D – 4D barrel horse depending on her rider and if she is in shape.
  • Started in poles.
  • Been roped off of
  • Handy for ranch work
  • Stands at 15 hands

Tori Norick ran her last year, and she got into the 1D with room for improvement.

Seeing her potential and that she was for sale, I purchased her, knowing I would love to ride, haul, and find her perfect cowboy or cowgirl. Maple is currently getting in shape and prepped to be a youth kids barrel/pole horse.

Josie and other kids can ride her, but I recommend her to someone who will work with their trainer to finish seasoning her. With the right rider and experience, this mare will be a champion.

Located at JJ Arena in Balsam Lake, WI

Pictures from February 2024:

Below are videos and pictures from Tori.

Monday, April 8th, 2024 – Video from past owners of Maple

Friday, April 5th, 2024 – Casey and Maple Funnel Pattern

Monday, April 1st, 2024 – Casey and Maple’s 2nd Time on Barrels and Poles

Friday, March 29th, 2024:

Sunday, March 10th, 2024:

Saturday, March 9th, 2024:

Saturday Poles:

Friday, March 8th, 2024:

Julie’s 2nd run on Maple, and I have not even owned her for a month. She is out of shape, but I wanted to see how she was at a show and to run. I highly recommend this horse for a youth or a semi-beginer. She is tons of fun and easy to get along with.

Julie’s 1st run on Maple, and I have not even owned her for a month. Out of shape, but easy to get on and go. She will also go slow but loves to go fast. 😉


15.4 Mondovi

14.9 Mondovi